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PLA CompTIA Network+

Tutor Led Online Delivery

The PLA CompTIA Network+ course is fully funded for those eligible for PLA funding.

As a CompTIA Network+ certified professional, you’ll be able to develop a career in IT infrastructure, responsible for troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks.

The CompTIA Network+ is a comprehensive programme including lessons and practical activities which you can revisit as often as required.

The programme requires attendance at 2 half day tutor led sessions delivered via Microsoft Teams and commitment to follow the online e-learning programme. A further day tutor led exam preparation and revision prior to taking the online examination is included.

This certification provides job-ready skills that employers are looking for, helping you to fast-track your career in IT.

CompTIA Network+ (Including Exam)

Digital (COmpTIA) Network+ by thomas-jensen unsplash

Delivery Method: Blended learning with E-learning and online tutor led workshops

Learning Hours: Half day programme induction, 37 hours online e-learning and 2 half day tutor led workshops

Examination: Half day exam revision and preparation followed by online exam through Pearson Vue

Prerequisites: CompTIA recommends the equivalent to a minimum of 9-12 months of hands-on experience working in a junior network administrator/network support technician job role.

Networking Concepts

Explain basic networking concepts, including the OSI model, network appliances, applications, cloud concepts, connectivity options and more.

Network Implementations

Understand routing technologies and important factors of physical installations; configure switching technologies and wireless devices.

Network Operations

Monitor and optimise networks to ensure business continuity.

Network Security

Understand security concepts and network attacks to harden networks against threats.

Network Troubleshooting

Explain the troubleshooting methodology and address common issues related to networking, including cable, connectivity, and software problems.

Revision and Examination Day

The final workshop delivery will provide an opportunity for Tutor supported exam preparation and revision using CertMaster.

CertMaster revision and test preparation

To prepare for your examination you will be provided access to the CompTia CertMaster platform which allows you to practice exam style questions and performance tasks and will provide insights into areas for review, revision and practice.

Exam Voucher

You will receive an exam voucher to undertake the Network+ (N10-008) exam with Pearson Vue. The exam can be taken online or by registering to attend your nearest Pearson Vue testing centre (details available when booking with Pearson Vue)


The exam is a combination of multiple choice and performance task based questions

A maximum of 90 questions to complete in 90 minutes

Pass mark is 720 out of a possible 900 marks

Apply for your PLA funded course today

ALS PLA funded courses are provided in partnership with Cardiff and Vale College. Click the button below to visit the Cardiff and Vale website to begin your application process

Delivery Schedule

SessionMethod of LearningContent
InductionOnline tutor led session via Microsoft TeamsInduction – Introduction to the programme, registration and CompTIA systems, processes and online practice system
Month 1Online E-learning via CompTIA
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual Labs
The OSI Model and its relationship to SOHO equipment
Exploring the equipment
Understanding Routers
Understanding Switches
Understanding Cabling
Network Protocols and Traffic
Tools for managing networks (Lab)
Troubleshooting Ethernet Networks
Capturing Network Traffic (Lab)
IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting
Configuring IPv4 Addresses (Lab)
ARP and Ports
Analyse ARP Traffic (Lab)
Use Tools to Test IP Configuration (Lab)
Supporting IPv4 and IPv6 Networks
Configure IPv6 Static Addressing (Lab)
DHCP and scoping
Troubleshoot IP Networks (Lab)
Progress Review 1Check in via Microsoft TeamsOnline meeting with ALS support tutor to check progress and provide assistance as required
Month 2Online E-learning via CompTIA
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual Labs
Configuring and Troubleshooting Routers
Configure Static Routing (Lab)
Configure Dynamic Routing (Lab)
Explaining Network Topologies and Types
Explaining Transport Layer Protocols
Explaining Network Services
Explaining Network Applications
Use Network Scanners (Lab)
Analyse a DHCP Server Configuration (Lab)
Analyse a DNS Server Configuration (Lab)
Ensuring Network Availability
Analyse Network Performance (Lab)
Verify Service and Application Configuration (Lab)
Workshop 1Online tutor led session via Microsoft Teams
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual Labs
Review of network fundamentals, switching, routing and IP addressing
Month 3
Online E-learning via CompTIA
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual Labs
Network Security Concepts
Configure Secure Access Channels (Lab)
Configure SNMP and Syslog Collection (Lab)
Supporting and Troubleshooting Secure Networks
Analyse Application Security Configurations (Lab)
Explaining Organisational and Physical Security Concepts
Configure Secure Access Channels (Lab)
Configure SNMP and Syslog Collection (Lab)
Deploying and Troubleshooting Wireless Networks
Comparing WAN Links and Remote Access Methods
Progress Review 2Check in via Microsoft TeamsOnline meeting with ALS support tutor to check progress and provide assistance as required
Month 4Online E-learning via CompTIA
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual La
Configure a NAT Firewall (Lab)
Configure Remote Access (Lab)
Configure Port Security (Lab)
Explaining Disaster Recovery and High Availability Concepts
Analyse an On-Path Attack (Lab)
Troubleshoot Service and Security Issues (Lab)
Applying Network Hardening Techniques
Summarising Cloud and Datacentre Architecture
Develop Network Documentation (Lab)
Backup and Restore Network Device Configurations (Lab)
Workshop 2Online tutor led session via Microsoft Teams
Supported by Practical exercises using Virtual Labs
Review of network security, WiFi, remote access and network management
Month 5Online E-learning and practice testing via CompTIARevision and Practice Questions via CertMaster
Progress Review 3Check in via Microsoft TeamsOnline meeting with ALS support tutor to check progress and provide assistance as required
Month 6Online tutor led session
Online via CompTIA
Online via Pearson Vue
Exam Prep
Revision and Practice Questions via CertMaster
CompTIA Network+ Exam